Vulture culture: How the bird survived extinction

This number dropped from 40 million in the 1980s to just a few thousand in 2009.
One White-backed Vulture culture, which was dying at an alarming rate in Rajasthan’s Keoladeo National Park, was saved from the country in the late 1990s.

A Vulture Care Centre was established at Pinjore in Haryana to study the causes of death of vultures. The rescued vulture of Rajasthan was brought to this centre. A few more Vulture culture were later brought in from Maharashtra, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh.

The VCC was founded in 1995 with a ugly nail handful of vultures. It has been a major facility for the conservation of Vulture culture in India since then. There are currently nine Vulture Conservation & Breeding Centres in India. Three of them are managed by the Bombay Natural History Society.

A flourishing population vulture culture

Sachin Ranade (assistant director, BNHS) stated that there are more than 700 vultures living in these VCBCs. According to Mr. Ranade, the VCBC is home to three species of vultures: the White-backed, Long billed, and Slender-billed.

“By 2004, the Vulture culture population had tom celebs go dating almost fallen by 99 percent, when we established these vulture conservation breeding centres,” said Vibhu Prakash, deputy director at BNHS. Vibhu Prakash, deputy director at BNHS, stated that vultures are slow-breeding birds and intervention was necessary immediately to save them.

Diclofenac was found in the carcasses of cattle that the vultures ate, and this is the main reason why the Vulture culture population nearly disappeared. This drug was used to treat inflammation in cattle, although its veterinary use was banned back in 2008.

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Dr. Prakash stated that the VCBCs were not only designed to care for the Vulture culture and keep them captive, but also to release them back into the wild. The VCBC’s first objective was to produce about 100 pairs of each species of endangered vultures.

The scientists spoke out about the 2016 release of two Himalayan Griffon from Pinjore VCBC to the wild. They stated that the purpose of the test release was for the scientists to observe what happens to a species when it is held in captivity for long periods of time before being released to the wild.

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He also said that the Vulture culture were able to fly well for almost a year after being released. They joined other vultures, began to find their food and water within 40 days, and then they flew off. He said that in those days, we didn’t have wings tags so it was difficult to keep track of the vultures.

Scientists at BNHS, inspired by the success of the release, are now planning additional releases. Mr. Ranade stated that they plan to release more Himalayan Griffons at Rajabhatkhawa Centre, Bengal, later in the year. Two birds will be equipped with satellite PTTs (platform transmitting terminals), and the other two will be fitted with wing tags or rings. The Pinjore White-backed Vultures are due to be released in the next year.

The scientist stated that if the scientists don’t find any drug-related deaths in the next year after releasing the birds, we will release 20 White-backed Vulture culture and take 10 Long-billed Vultures to Madhya Pradesh.

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According to Dr. Prakash, the wild vulture population has stabilized. Dr. Prakash stated that in 2015 surveys revealed that there were animar approximately 6,000 White-backed Vultures, 12,000 Long-billed Vultures and 1,000 Slender billed vultures living in the wild.

According to the scientist, VCBCs should be established and Diclofenac banned. It was also imperative that “manage our carcass dumps” and ensure that poisoned carcasses were not left for the vultures to eat. We are trying to inform the forest department not to burn or bury animal carcasses as Vulture culture prefers wild animals. The forest department does this to keep poachers away. Dr. Prakash stated that the practice of denying food to vultures is unacceptable.

He stated that there is a need to raise awareness and create safe areas for vultures where there are already Vulture culture. Nine states have so far implemented programs to provide safe habitats for vultures.

Everything is about image. People get dewy-eyed when they hear the word “condor” and think of majestic birds flying high above mountain tops. It is impossible to imagine that such a species could become extinct. California has a large and expensive program to save them. The image of a “vulture” is one that has been covered in carrion. It is just like a condor, only it’s feeding. However, in the case Vulture culture, even though India is a Hindu-majority country, it took until now to stop what is likely the largest avian population decline since the North American passenger Pigeon’s 5 billion to 1 crash between 1870-1871.

The Indian vulture population was between 20 and 40m in 1990, with three species. It now numbers approximately 10,000 and is on the decline by half a year. One species, the slender billed vulture, is actually only 400. Diclofkenac is the drug that kills these birds. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofkenac was originally developed for people, but it was adopted by cattle farmers in the 1980s. It can cause kidney failure in vultures, and Vulture culture eat lots of dead cattle. The Bombay Natural History Society established Pinjkore’s vulture breeding centre in Haryana.

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Jatakyu (Fig 1), a Gidkdhraj or Vulture culture lorenzo zurzolo king (Fig 1), is said to have told Lord Rama where Sikta was being taken by Ravkana, an evil demon (Griffith 1870). Skampati, Jatayuk’s elder brother, also assisted in searching Mother Sita. He told Hanukmanji and Ankkgada that he had superios sight and that 100 yojanks wasn’t a great distance for him. It is believed that the bird had sharp eyesight.

With long, high flights in the epic Ramayana. Griddhraj Parvoat (which means “hills of the vultures”) is a hill of archeological, religious and ecological significance located in Devaraj Nagar, Madhya Pradesh, India. Gridkdhraj Pkrvat has a great religious significance in Hindu mythology. It is believed that it was the birthplace of Sampkati (Jatayku’s brother) (Dikwan 1907).